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Bio Agni Star(MS)

Organic botanical pesticides

Bio-Agni Plus is organic approved broad-spectrum botanical pesticide which is effective on all types sucking pest, worms, flies and soil insects also act as plant food. This is combination of various plant extracts and animal extracts.

Bio Agni Plus is an organic botanical pesticide and also effective plant food. It’s a combination of various plants, seeds and animal extracts.

Bio Agni Plus a certified organic pesticides effective on all types of insects like whitefly, mealy bug, mites, jassid ,thirps, armyworms, round worm, thread worm caterpillar, borer larva, paddy larva and all other similar sucking pests.

Sucking pests pierce plants with slender, sharp-pointed mouthparts and suck the plant sap. Withdrawal of the sap results in minute white, brown, or red spotting on the leaves, fruits, or stems of the plant. It may also cause curling leaves, deformed fruit, general wilting, browning, and drying of the entire plant.

The stem borer larvae bore at the base of the plants during the vegetative stage. On older plants, they bore through the upper nodes and feed toward the base.

Bio agni plus delivers following advantages in plant:

• Very effective on all types of insects, works as broad-spectrum pesticide.
• Increases plants sar (systemic acquired resistance).
• Can be sprayed on the soil at soil preparation stage to control soil insects
• Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting.
• Does not carry any residue in harvest.

For all crops 1ml to 2ml per lit of water according to crop development stage and insect attacks. Can be applied from nursery to harvesting. 2l per 200l of water for soil application through drip irrigation, fertigation system or manual drenching.

Bio-Agni Star(ls)

Amutham Flower is organic approved liquid fertilizer for flowering and fruit setting, which is combination of various natural organic matters, various plant extracts and animal extracts.

Amutham- Flower an organic fertilizer for flowering & fruit setting. It's a combination of organic zinc, calcium, plant extracts and organic nitrogen. It provides sufficient flow of nutrients and formation of natural hormones required for flowering and fruit setting.

Fruit set is a term describing whether the flowers on a plant or tree convert flowers into fruits, avoid flower and fruit dropping. To bring flowers, plant required timely availability specific hormones and nutrients Amutham –sett insure the same. Also to convert flowers in fruits, pant required zinc and calcium to strengthen the bond between plant and flower/fruit, it can be achieved by organic calcium which one the main ingredient of Amutham- flower. Fruit dropping generally happens due to zinc and calcium deficiency which can be avoided by Amutham-flower.

Amutham- Flower special delivers following advantages in plant.

• Increase in number of flowers per plant.
• Reduces flower and fruit drops.
• Convert maximum flowers into fruits.
• Prolong flowering and fruiting stage so more harvest.

for all vegetable and fruit crops 2ml per lit of water at the start of flowering stage to harvesting. Can be applied by soil application 4ml per lit of water

Bio Agni STR (LS)

Bio Agni Ls is organic approved botanical pesticide which is effective on all types of warms, larva, caterpillars and other insects. This is combination of various plant extracts and animal extracts.

Bio Agni Ls is an organic certified botanical insect repellent act as Larvicide and effective plant food. Its combination of various plant extracts. Bio Agni Ls is very effective on all types of worms such as cotton bollworm, caterpillar, army worms and leaf miners other similar insects.

Cotton bollworm :
Cotton bollworm, also known as corn earworm, feeds on corn ears and cotton terminals, squares and blooms, hampering growth and hurting quality while opening the door for secondary infections caused by mycotoxins and bacteria.

Caterpillars :
Caterpillars also referred to as worms, are the immature life stage of butterflies and moths. Most of the caterpillars that are pests of vegetable crops are moth caterpillars. Caterpillars can be a major pest of vegetables, particularly cabbage, kale, collards, broccoli, and cauliflower.

Seedlings and young plants may be killed by caterpillar feeding if left untreated. Caterpillars are easily controlled in vegetable gardens, especially when detected early.

Armyworms :
This destructive garden pest gets its name because it travels in small insect armies and consumes just about everything in its path. There’s a number of species of armyworm caterpillars, many with a distinct taste for a particular plant or vegetable. But some will eat anything green or red or yellow. They’re most active at night and hide in plants and under garden debris during the day.

Leaf miners :
There are a huge number of insects that are grouped as leaf miners. This common name comes from the larval stage of the insect eating and mining inside the leaves of its host plant. This group of insects includes moths, flies, wasps and beetles, so the diversity, appearance and habits of the leaf miner group are extremely variable.

Bio Agni Ls delivers following advantages in plant:

• Very effective on all types of worms such as cotton bollworm, caterpillar, army worms and other similar insects.
• Plant extracts provides various alkaloids which increases plants sar (systemic acquired resistance).
• Sprayed on the soil at soil preparation stage to control soil insects.
• Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting.
• Bio Agni Ls found very effective on soil nematodes and soil worms.
• Zero residues in harvest.

For all crops 2ml to 3ml per lit of water according to crop development stage and insect attacks.